(modifié de Coste, Flore de la France 1937) :
Plante vivace de 20-60 cm, glabrescente, à racine tubéreuse, grosse, globuleuse ou ovale, parfois plurilobée - tiges redressées, faibles, simples ou rameuses.
Écologie : (répartition d'après la flore) Près, haies, lieux pierreux du Midi et du Sud-Ouest, jusque dans les Hautes-Alpes, l'Aveyron, la Charente-Inférieure ; Corse.
Répartition hors de France : Région méditerranéenne.
(modified from Wiki):
NOTE: the French text is more complete and up-to-date
A dark-green succulent plant that grows to about 60-70 centimetres high, rising from stout, fleshy, branching root-stock. The root reaches 5-25 centimetres in length and sometimes seems out of proportion to the slenderness of the plant. The stem is unbranched.
Ecology UK: absent
Distribution outside France: ?
Fleurs : jaunâtres avec languette brunâtre, solitaires, égalant presque ou dépassant les feuilles ; périanthe pubèrulent, à languette oblongue-obtuse aussi longue ou plus longue que le tube.
Floraison France : Avril-juin..
Flowers: are pollinated by midges and other small insects , attracted by the smell and by purple-brown colour of the flowers. The solitary hermaphrodite flowers have an unpleasant odour and they are tubular, about 2.5-5 centimetres long, yellowish-green with a prominent, dark-brown or dark purple flap, both arising from the axils of the leaves. The small hairs inside the cup prevent the flies to come out and fly away. After the pollination these hairs sag and allow them to escape.
Flowering UK: